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Tips to Buy Cannabis Seeds Online

If you are like everyone else, you must have tried to sift through dry marijuana leaves looking for tiny seeds to grow. But with the cannabis laws softening up significantly, it has now become easier to purchase cannabis seeds.

The legalisation of cannabis products in many countries has seen a sharp increase in the number of vendors selling cannabis seeds. Anybody can purchase cannabis seeds from anyone without fear of getting caught by the police because it’s legal!

But before you scamper away for your share of the cannabis seeds haul, pause. It’s easy to get duped into buying seeds that aren’t worth your while. It could be that the seeds are of poor quality; they are the wrong seeds from the wrong plant or sold by an unauthorized source which could get you into trouble with the government.

Good news is that there are ways to get around these inconveniences. So here are tips you can use to buy cannabis seeds online.


  • Buy Only from Trusted Vendors

For the purpose of convenience, it is easy to want to buy cannabis seeds from a random dealer online. This as opposed to having to conduct thorough background research on a vendor before purchase. Bad idea.

Choosing to buy your seeds from a trusted cannabis vendor means that you are guaranteed of the variety and seed quality. What’s more, you are sure that the transaction process will remain confidential and that you have access to professional services.

Approved cannabis seed vendors have a wide array of seed varieties which increases your chances of purchasing the precise strain of seeds you need.


  • Take the Law into Account

It may seem like a no brainer, but you’d be surprised to see the number of people caught buying cannabis seeds online knowing too well that they are breaking the law in their country.  Whether or not you are aware of the marijuana laws practised in your locality, if caught on the wrong, you risk suffering heavy penalties or being charged in court.

Most people buy cannabis seeds for general use or for medical reasons. Find out the legal restrictions that come with growing or consuming cannabis seeds in your area. This way, you know what to do and what you cannot do as provided under the law.

For example, some laws allow people to grow a specified number of cannabis plants on their own property provided they don’t sell to or share the product with other people. Other laws completely bar people from cultivating cannabis seeds unless they have approval from the relevant authorities that it is for medicinal purposes only.


  • Cheap is Indeed Expensive

The reason why many would rather avoid purchasing cannabis seeds from established online vendors is that their prices are too high. But wouldn’t you rather spend a bit more than spend less on a product that barely meets the minimum quality standards?

Think of it as the small price to pay for a smooth, quick, and worry-free transaction. You may take the risk and buy from a less known online cannabis supplier. While there’s a small chance that you might find what you’re looking for, you’re still not guaranteed the same quality and safety standards each time you make a purchase.


  • Keep it to Yourself

As exciting as it is to tell your friends or colleagues that you are planning to buy cannabis seeds for whatever reason, it may be a good idea to keep it all to yourself. It’s no secret that most people looking to buy cannabis seeds want to grow their own weed. This even when the local laws prohibit one from doing so.

Telling others what you plan to do with the seeds could end up in the wrong ears, which could warrant unwanted attention from the authorities or law enforcement.


  • Maintain Confidentiality Throughout the Process

With cybercrime becoming ever rampant, it is always a good idea to reveal as little of yourself as possible, especially when trying to purchase cannabis seeds online.

One wrong move and an online bandit can put two and two together and gain access to all your personal information. This could put you at risk of identity theft. They could see your financial details and get away with your money. They may even find out your home address and who knows what they’ll do after?

What’s more, it could get you on the authority’s radar. Officers could track you from afar just to see what you plan to do with the seeds. If found to be breaking the law, you risk being penalized or arrested.

You never know if they actually are a real vendor or a thief and hacker posing as one. The last thing you want is to find out, only when it’s too late, that you revealed payment details to the wrong person. This is another reason why it can be risky to work with an unknown cannabis vendor.

To stay on the safe side when buying cannabis seeds online,

  1. Never use the address of your garden as the shipping destination for your cannabis seeds
  2. Never use your personal credit card. Opt instead to pay in cash or use a business credit card whose attached address isn’t yours
  3. Never use your real email address. It is better to create a new email account using a nickname. Use this email for online transactions only
  4. When shipping from overseas suppliers, you are, however, encouraged to use your real name and address. Using a fake name and address may raise suspicion from the relevant authorities who may be prompted to search and confiscate your order/package

Bottom Line

If you have little experience or it is your first time to buy cannabis seeds online, the entire process may seem blurry and unclear. With the tips listed above, you now know what to look out for and what to do whenever you’re looking to purchase cannabis seeds and transact online.

No doubt, you’re always safer when dealing with reputable cannabis seed vendors. Not sure which one to choose? Sensiseeds boasts top place among the best most reliable place to buy cannabis seeds online.

Feel free to explain to your vendor that you don’t have much experience purchasing cannabis seeds online in addition to telling them what you want. They can, in turn, offer valuable insight and recommend the right strain or give you advice on how you can get a better yield from the seeds

Visit Cannabislegend to buy cannabis products.

5 Benefits of Hemp Extract Oil

Hemp Extract Oil

Hemp Extract oil also includes plant matter, which adds additional compounds, such as the CBD.

Although Hemp Extract Oil contain small amounts of these compounds, a higher concentration can bring some additional benefits to the body.

Hemp Extract Oil provides an appropriate amount of both polyunsaturated fatty acids. Especially in linoleic and gamma-linoleic acid, so it is beneficial at the cardiovascular and cerebral level, in addition to regulating cholesterol metabolism. Therefore, its consumption is recommended in people suffering from heart disease and arthritis, since it decreases the incidence of blood clots and reduces inflammation in the joints. The latter is what makes it interesting from the nutritional point of view. Since today the diet is increasingly abundant in saturated fatty acids and tries to reduce its intake, due to its relationship with the increase in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol and, therefore, with the risk of coronary heart disease. Hemp Extract Oil provides an appropriate amount of both polyunsaturated fatty acids.

If we continue to list its benefits of hemp Extract Oil.also contains vital nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium as well as another series of potentially bioactive minor components such as some phenolic compounds. Sterols and fatty alcohols, They make it one of the best vegetable oils.

1.Natural pain relief

Many people use Liposomal Hemp Extract oil or CBD oil as a form of natural pain relief. Especially if the pain is the result of inflammation. Those who do not want to take over-the-counter pain relievers can use high-quality hemp oil to relieve it. One of the primary compounds in Hemp Extract Oil, and other CBD show promise for the treatment of many types of pain of human. However, almost of the research to date is in mice. While current research suggests that Hemp Extract Oil may be a useful natural treatment for depression, more human studies may give these results more credibility.

2.The healthiest way to consume cannabis

Hemp Extract Oil, which contains only CBD, has a wide range of health benefits of cannabis with a THC content. THC has some psychoactive properties and have more side effects, both short and long term. It does not have a clean Hemp Extract Oil. There are some significant side effects that you can read about later in this post.

If you want to enjoy some lot of the other good qualities of Hemp Extract oil. You don’t have to go to the wrong side of the law or smoke illegal hashish for that reason. Cannabis oil is produced in perfect conditions, so it is the healthiest (and only legal) way to consume cannabis.

3. It can be used to relieve genes in various diseases

More cancerous people say they cured their cancer by ingesting Hemp Extract Oil. Although there is no scientific evidence of Hemp Extract Oil is the direct cause of the cure of these people.there are several indications that Hemp Extract Oil can be used in the treatment.

In several countries, including the United States, Hemp Extract Oil has been legalised.after more and more people are emerging, saying how cannabis oil has had a positive effect on their health. Buy cannabis now usa is now very easy.

At home, Hemp Extract Oil is considered as different treatment agent that cancer patients can use in combination with other medications treatment. However, not only cancer patients during chemotherapy can use Hemp Extract Oil as an alternative treatment agent.

The Hemp Extract Oil has a calming effect on the body and, therefore, can also be recommended to people suffering from stress or anxiety. Hemp Extract Oil can, among other things, be used to cure headache and migraine, if conventional medicine does not have the desired effect.

Several people who have sclerosis and arthritis also have good comments about the use of cannabis oil. They prefer to use oil because standard medicine will not always calm the pain they suffer daily. Hemp Extract Oil can also help reduce cramps, pain and spasms.

4.Good for the heart

It is believed that cannabis oil or Hemp Extract Oil content reduces the likelihood of heart problems and balances the body’s system by causing blood vessels to relax and expand. This reduces blood circulation .at the same time, increase blood pressure. Therefore, Hemp Extract oil can help improve your cardiovascular system also prevent cardiovascular disease.
The Hemp Extract Oil also stimulates the antioxidant pathway through the body and can also help reduce cholesterol levels. Although there has not been much research in this area. Several cardiovascular patients have reported stories of how they have improved their situation through the use of cannabis oil.

5.Skin health

Hemp seed oil is highly nutritious and can be especially useful for the skin also.
The vitamins and fatty acids in this Hemp Extract oil can help keep skin healthy and prevent breakouts.
A 2014 study that examined the lipid profile of hemp seed oil found that it is rich in healthy fats and fatty acids.
The abundance of fatty acids can make the oil an excellent option to nourish the skin and protect it from inflammation, oxidation and other causes of ageing.
The authors of a 2014 review point out that the topical application of hemp seed oil strengthens the skin and makes it more capable of resisting infection. The authors also suggest that Hemp Extract Oil can be a useful treatment for a variety of skin problems, including:

Medical Marijuana – The Legal Facts

Before prescribing or using medical marijuana in any state where it is legal, both physicians and patients must be aware of, and familiar with, United States federal law (Schedule I). Each US state and territory has its laws when it comes to marijuana and its medical usage. In places like Pennsylvania, medical marijuana use is not illegal provided both doctor and patient meet all administration, legal, and medical requirements.

Is the law the same everywhere?

No. Each state has its legal take on medical marijuana use. At the moment, a number of the twenty-three states (including Pennsylvania) that allow for medicinal use of the herbal drug require patients to have unique ID cards. These IDs are issued to patients by licensed medical organizations such as Veriheal, where a qualified medical specialist thoroughly assesses their condition.

The stance of each state or territory on medical marijuana use are public information, and the local government actively encourages the community to become well familiar with their respective medical marijuana program. This is usually via the state’s official website, where copies of up-to-date, legal documents can be found and accessed by the public.

How Does the Registration Process Work?

As mentioned above, each state or territory has its system and legislation covering the supply and use of medical marijuana. Registering and keeping track of dispensaries (suppliers) and patients is crucial to keep everything clear, transparent, and completely legal.

For instance, the state government and its respective law enforcement authorities need to be aware of all the dispensaries operating in their jurisdiction (or across the state as a whole). This includes knowing the type of medical marijuana being supplied as well as amounts in storage. Authorities need to have an updated list of all the patients the dispensary is providing, which needs to be updated regularly.

When a patient enters into medical marijuana therapy a lot of his or her personal information, including sensitive things such as medical records, diagnosis, the prognosis of their condition, etc. will be made available to the state. Cake Mintz for sale online.

Specific Product for Specific Condition

As was alluded to, local authorities need to be aware of all the types of medical marijuana supplied by a dispensary to its patients. This is because dispensaries have access to a wide range of marijuana-based products (of different potency) including herbal (buds), ingestible pills, edibles like spreads, topical treatments like cream and ointments, etc. All of these by-products have different strengths, thus different effects on the patient, and as such need to be documented and controlled by both dispensary operatives and law enforcement. The idea is to supply a patient with the correct type of medical marijuana (or by-product) for his or her particular medical needs while at the same time keep the authorities informed.

Can You And Should You Grow It Yourself?

There is always the question of why go to a dispensary when you can grow the plant yourself? Again, this is one of those tricky issues that arise from the use of medical marijuana in general, and as such, it is regulated by law. Currently, state governments have allowed for controlled cultivation of marijuana for medicinal uses. There is, of course, a strict limit on how much one can grow for medical use, with amounts varying among the twenty-three states (where medicinal marijuana use is legal) from one ounce up to 24 ounces in some countries. Overall, obtaining the therapeutic use of marijuana from licensed dispensaries is still the only way to guarantee the product’s purity and beneficial effects, as well as staying within the confines of the law.

Grow your marijuana business with Cannabusiness Grower

Why should I buy your CBD lotion Canada?

If you are reading this article you may be looking for CBD Lotions Canada! You have come to the right place to learn a little bit about CBD lotions. You either have heard about the benefits of CBD or maybe you have a friend using it. That works for them or maybe you read a news article that talked about the benefits of CBD Lotion.

The first thing I want to tell you is that YES it works. Now saying that it may not work the same for every individual. If you have had the privilege to try it you might be back here looking for some more. Or you are new to this whole CBD thing and looking for further information. If that’s the case I’ll try go to into depth a little bit.

What is CBD?

If you are looking for Lotion that contains CBD and you live in Canada and looking for a good source. Go no further but please continue reading this article to continue your education on the subject. CBD (Cannabidiol) is a cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. Please do not confuse or relate cannabis specifically to marijuana. Because that’s only one plant that contains CBD/THC, the other plant is your friendly Hemp plant. The biggest difference between hemp and marijuana is that marijuana contains THC in higher dosages. While CBD in lower dosages while Hemp is the opposite, which you find higher dosages of CBD and lower dosages of THC. CBD and THC are very similar in structure. When you look at it at a molecular level but ultimately they are very different. THC is what gives a person the “high” while CBD does not.

CBD Lotion Canada

From the above image, you can see that THC fits the cannabinoid receptor exactly. This is what gives you the “high” CBD, on the other hand, does not fit it exactly and the reason why it does not give you a “high”. CBD actually combats the effects of THC. If someone was smoking marijuana and took CBD afterwards it would actually reverse the effects of the “high”.

About CBD lotion Canada

I won’t go in-depth in this article but just so you know if you are just learning about this, every mammal(such as humans) has an endocannabinoid system. An endocannabinoid system is basically a group of endogenous cannabinoid receptors located in the brain and throughout the central and peripheral nervous system consisting of neuromodulatory lipids and their receptors. It’s basically a VITAL system that affects just about every other system in your body. In your endocannabinoid system cannabinoids (such as CBD) interact with specific receptors located in different parts of your nervous system. To date, two kinds of receptors have been found called CB1 and CB2. In your brain, a substance that occurs naturally was discovered in 1992 (not that long ago if you think about it) and it was termed anandamide. The endocannabinoid system is arguably the most important physiological system involved in controlling and maintaining human health.

CB1 receptors are found mostly in the brain. Cb2 receptors are found mostly in the immune system which is throughout your body. The biggest concentration of these receptors is in your spleen. They also are present in the gut and your brain. It’s been researched CBD is highly effective at interacting with the CB2 receptors and reducing overall inflammation.

CBD Lotion Canada

The receptors are also found at various body joints, etc.

So all you really need to know is that you have an Endocannabinoid system, this system has receptors called CB1 and CB2 throughout your body. When you take CBD you are basically helping it regulate the function of the endocannabinoid system throughout the body to control various systems like mood, appetite, pain, immune Responses, inflammation, body temperature, etc. Many times inflammation in our body inflammation is caused by the immune system. Due to some things going wrong of the immune system the antibodies start attacking GOOD organs of the body such as the nervous system, or your intestines or muscles. Activation of the CB2 receptors found in the immune system helps anti-bodies to calm down which reduces the pain. When you take CBD this is what happens.

I went on much longer then I wanted to but I think it’s important for you to know exactly how CBD works because you are looking or researching for CBD Lotion Canada, you should know how it works.

What type of ailments do I use CBD lotion Canada for?

Good questions, I’m glad you asked. Most of the people who buy CBD Canada from us use it for various reasons… but here are some ailments people use CBD lotion for; muscle tension, joint pain, growing pains(in children), bug bites (reduce inflammation), Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, skin pain, inflammation. Really the list goes on and on. If you have not tried it yet and you are looking for something to help… I encourage you to try this.

CBD Lotion Canada Ailments

At Chilliwack CBD we care about overall quality. There are many stores/local shops selling CBD in various forms but we decided to bring in and import CBDFX which is a QUALITY BRAND. They care about the overall product quality and where it comes from. Their hemp is 100% organically farmed by the best farmers in Europe. This means there are no harmful chemicals or pesticides used in the farming of the product. The probably with a lot of CBD products is that the plants that create it absorb many things in its environment when it grows including pesticides and harmful chemical.

Growing organically is MUCH harder but also ensures there are no contaminants. Once the product reaches CBDFX which is the manufacture it undergoes even more testing. The final product stands behind itself and even includes THIRD-PARTY lab testing to ensure not only the quality of the finished product but also the accuracy of it. When you buy your CBD lotion Canada are you sure there is really 150MG in the jar or are you just taking the word of the reseller? Here at Chilliwack CBD, we can back that up with third-party lab testing reports. THAT’S QUALITY!

I hope I was able to shed a little light on this subject and I hope that I was able to convince you we were the right place to purchase your CBD Lotion Canada. You can view our Lotions just by clicking here. Hopefully, I did not bore you and you got a little information out of this 🙂

Reviews from people who have used our CBDFX lotions and why you should buy our CBD Lotions Canada!

CBD lotions Canada

These are 100% verified testimonials from clients and there are dozens and dozens more your welcome to read at the manufactures websites.

We are very proud to carry this in Canada and supply in Canada. We hope to see you soon 🙂

In your brain, a substance that occurs naturally was discovered in 1992 (not that long ago if you think about it) and it was termed anandamide. The endocannabinoid system is arguably the most important physiological system involved in controlling and maintaining human health.

CB1 receptors are found mostly in the brain. Cb2 receptors are found mostly in the immune system which is throughout your body. The biggest concentration of these receptors is in your spleen. They also are present in the gut and your brain. It’s been researched CBD is highly effective at interacting with the CB2 receptors and reducing overall inflammation.

CBD Lotion Canada

The receptors are also found at various body joints, etc.

So all you really need to know is that you have an Endocannabinoid system, this system has receptors called CB1 and CB2 throughout your body. When you take CBD you are basically helping it regulate the function of the endocannabinoid system throughout the body to control various systems like mood, appetite, pain, immune Responses, inflammation, body temperature, etc. Many times inflammation in our body inflammation is caused by the immune system. Due to some things going wrong of the immune system the antibodies start attacking GOOD organs of the body such as the nervous system, or your intestines or muscles. Activation of the CB2 receptors found in the immune system helps anti-bodies to calm down which reduces the pain. When you take CBD this is what happens.

I went on much longer

Outdoor Cannabis Garden: Everything You Need to Know


If you ever saw an outdoor cannabis garden, you would never have assumed that it takes a lot of work to grow such a simple garden. As much as cannabis is not a demanding plant, you will surely need to know a lot about it if you want to grow it successfully. 

From types of fertilisers and soils to finding the best places for the plants to grow, you will need to consider every single detail. If you do not have any other option for the outside garden then you will need to plant your cannabis inside. The first thing you will need to purchase for that is LED grow lights to ensure there is enough light for plants to grow.

LED grow lights,herb vape pen

 Copyright: Pixabay I License: CC0 Public Domain

Besides all of that, you will need to ensure a few other things that are essential if you wish to have a lovely cannabis garden outside. For those who can’t grow cannabis indoors or even outdoors, they can purchase some of the cannabis products on the market, such as herb vape pen and enjoy their CBD wherever they are.


If you’re unable to find the solution for the soil, you will have to put all the plants in pots. Also, if, for some reason, you’re unable to dig holes in the ground and amend the soil, containers are a way to go. You can place them on decks, rooftops, patios or many other spots. 

The great thing about containers is that you can quickly move them during the day to catch the best amount of sunlight or protect your plants for oppressive heat or wind. You can use cannabis nutrients which are specially made for indoor growing as you will be using premixed soil. This will tremendously help you with fertilising your plants.  


Your cannabis plants will need water if you want them to grow. One of the main benefits when having an outside garden is that your plants will receive water from rain and groundwater. However, don’t forget to water your plants frequently, especially when the temperatures are high. 

For your reference, the most significant cannabis plants will need to receive up to 40 litres every day during hot, summer days. If you want to improve water retention, think about adding water-absorbing polymer crystals to your soil. When talking about the best time to water your plants, do it the first thing in the morning, so they have an adequate amount of water during the day. 


Unfortunately, you will not be able to control the environment as you would if you had your cannabis garden indoors, but there are plenty of ways to ensure proper protection for your plants. If you planted cannabis in an area with low temperatures, you would need to use a greenhouse or any other protective enclosure to prevent it from damage. 

When talking about the wind, it can break branches and cause harm to your plants. Avoid having your plants in windy spots or set up a windbreak to protect your cannabis garden. If you’re on a budget, you can attach plastic sheeting to garden stakes which are set around your plants. The same protection can be used against the rain. 

You will need to protect your outdoor cannabis garden from pests as well. This is a bit more difficult than protecting it from weather conditions, but it’s not impossible. One of the ways to deal with pests is having a large animal like deer around your crop. But this doesn’t protect your plants from crawling and flying insects.

The only way to protect your plants is by merely keeping them healthy as healthy cannabis plants are naturally resistant to pests. Please keep your cannabis plants separated from your other plants and flowers because pests usually spread between them. 

plants in protect your outdoor cannabis garden from pests

Copyright: Pixabay I License: CC0 Public Domain

Final Thoughts

Having your cannabis garden has many benefits, but before enjoying all of them, you will need to invest your time and money in it first. Luckily, there are so many methods on the market now that you can quickly grow your garden without spending too much. 

Will the UK Legalize Cannabis?


Due to BREXIT, the argument surrounding the legal status of hard drugs like cannabis have arguably been ignored. However, the debate still manages to show in present news outlets. This has highly risen due to the constant change in drug laws worldwide.

After Canada’s legalization of cannabis, Prime Minister Trudeau stated that the current laws regulating cannabis use were insufficient. He also stated that legalizing the use and trade of cannabis will destroy the black market.

In 1928, cannabis was banned in the UK. Since it was illegal. But reports from the Home Office show something different. It shows that the number of people using cannabis has increased.

A 2016 report stated that an estimated 2.1 million people used cannabis in the UK. Poll results show that about three-quarters of British people are in favor of medical cannabis. While about 50% of the public support its recreational use.

The current situation in the UK

So, what is the current situation? And how close is the legalization of cannabis in the UK?

Cannabis falls under the list of Class B drug. It means individuals are not allowed to possess, use and distribute the drug. Currently, individuals caught with cannabis can receive a maximum sentence of 5 years or an unlimited fine. Sellers can also face prison time of 14 years.

During the era of Tony Blair, cannabis was reclassified as a Class C substance. On the other hand, Brown reclassified the drug to schedule b. Because of its damaging mental health effects. The main reason why marijuana is illegal in the UK is due to its risks to mental health.

Although the number of cannabis users decreased between 2006 and 2014. The needs for mental health-related treatment rose by a halve.

Many blame a marijuana strain called ‘Skunk,’ due to its high amount of THC. THC is the primary psychoactive substance in cannabis.

CBD, the non-psychoactive compound in the cannabis plant. Scientists are currently researching for its medicinal properties. Following the confiscation of Billy Caldwell’s medicine at an airport, from November 1st. The home secretary has now made medical cannabis oil will be available on prescription.

According to a 2018 report from the IEA, cannabis is to be ranked between alcohol and tobacco and the regulation, sales of cannabis products should be limited to people over the age of 18. Furthermore, researchers suggest that marijuana should be offered in authorized premises and businesses. But they will need a license to grow and import cannabis.


Will cannabis ever be legalized?

There is a need for alternative drug policies in the UK that will help them in following in Canada’s footsteps. The UK will likely have a regulated cannabis market soon, you can already find the odd legal cannabis dispensary to buy cannabis online UK, but before the legalization of cannabis in the UK THC prominent is a fact, the public will need to be educated on the benefits of cannabis. 

In conclusion, cannabis can legally be obtained in the UK via a prescription for medicinal use.

cannabis online UK

 However, the government has no plans on changing the legislation on cannabis. 

In 2018, a representative for the Prime Minister’s office stated that the UK has no plans on legalizing or decriminalizing cannabis because they consider it as being harmful. However, people should not lose hope because with a different government, under a different constitution, it is still very much possible.

What You Need To Know About The Benefits Of CBD


Taking CBD Leads To Lower Risk of Contracting Cardiovascular Ailments

Benefits Of CBD
Benefits Of CBD

In the body of a human being, the cardiovascular system is essential. This system is comprised of the heart, blood vessels, and the blood. Due to the importance of the cardiovascular system. Every individual should take special care to avoid contracting any diseases.

CBD oil lowers the risk of one getting HBP. As it reduces the systolic blood pressure in the body. Experts from say that additionally, this oil can also lower the blood pressure that is brought by high levels of stress.

Recent research has shown that CBD oil has a promising result. In the case of therapeutic treatment effects for persons who are suffering from myocarditis. There is insufficient research available to prove its real value. But there is a lot of potentials for this oil to be used in treating this cardiovascular disease.


Benefits of CBD Oil in Keeping Normal Cholesterol Levels

High levels of cholesterol are dangerous as they can lead to an increased propensity to heart diseases and stroke.

A study conducted in the year 2013 showed that individuals who took CBD oil had higher levels of good cholesterol compared to those who did not take this oil.

Another study was done on animals. In that study, it showed that CBD lowered the progression of atherosclerosis. This is a disease which is characterized by the buildup of plaque in the arteries.


It Helps One in Lowering Appetite

If you have consistently tried to lose weight and failed due to high appetite levels. You should definitely consider using CBD oil. You may be hesitant due to the presence of THC. Though it has a different effect in the body. The consumption of marijuana or products that have THC usually makes one get high. This is usually almost always followed by “munchies.”

CBD oil is beneficial since it does the opposite. With this oil, you can actually curb your appetite. CBD can very effectively block the CB1 receptor, which stimulates hormones responsible for an increase in appetite.


CBD Reduces the Risk of Getting Cancer

Though research is still in the early stages. But it looks like CBD has a promising future when it comes to managing cancer. This oil can be used to minimize the symptoms of cancer. Also, lower the side effects attributed to the treatment of cancer according to the National Cancer Institute.

It is also possible that CBD can help reduce the growth of certain cancerous tumours in the body. This oil and other cannabinoids do not affect the healthy cells in the body.

It Lowers Risk of Mood Disorders and Depression

If you are affected by depression and do not want to use antidepressant medications. You can consider CBD oil as a viable alternative. Though it cannot be used to cure depression. But it can help alleviate the symptoms of depression.

This oil affects the endocannabinoid system. Which is usually responsible for bodily functions that deal with moods, pain receptors, appetite, and sleep. CBD oil can help one deal with stressful situations in a better manner. Further, it can also lower the risk of anxiety attacks.

Beginners Guide to CBD Oil

For some time now, the mindsets regarding the use of CBD Oil have been changing. In the past, any mention of these words would be met with curious gazes because of its association with addiction and drug abuse.

However, scientists continue making discoveries regarding CBD Oil and the many benefits it offers. In this beginner’s guide to CBD Oil, you get all the education you need on everything regarding it. That way, you decide to use or not use it from an informed position.

Beginners Guide to CBD Oil

What is it?

CBD is the short name for Cannabidiol. It simply refers to one of the most active and widely known compounds in Cannabis. However, it might not be as popular as another compound – Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is famous for getting users high.

Health Benefits

Cannabidiol is renowned for the many health benefits that it offers. For example, its popularity among people diagnosed with anxiety disorders is unshakeable. CBD Oil is capable of helping users to overcome the anxieties, stress, and depression that seeks to put them down.

Other than that, it also helps in treating addiction. Here, its effectiveness is clearly demonstrated by its ability to reduce the craving that drives users into addiction. It also reduces the anxiety that results from drug abuse and addiction.

Its health benefits don’t end there, though. After all, medical practitioners continue recommending it to patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Apart from that, researchers are still testing the effectiveness of Cannabidiol in treating:

  1. The physical pain associated with conditions such as arthritis
  2. Inflammation
  3. Childhood epilepsy
  4. Cancer
  5. Side effects of cancer treatments

How to take it

It’s also important to know how to take CBD Oil. Here, you have several options. The first is to take it via vaping. Additionally, you may also consume it through your mouth in the form of gummies.

CBD is also available as an oil and tincture. In this form, CBD has proven to be quite popular with users who are unable to take either pills or capsules. What is more, you also have the option of applying it to your body as a cream or lotion. Other options include capsules and pills.

How much to take

Before taking it to treat any medical condition afflicting you, it would be great to consult your doctor first. Most likely, the healthcare professional will recommend starting with a low dosage before increasing it gradually depending on the results.

Remember, use CBD Oil appropriately and only with your doctor’s recommendation.

For more information, visit – Colorado-based company focused on manufacturing and providing the highest quality CBD oil and hemp extracts in the world.

Know everything about glass bongs


Today, CBD products are increasingly fashionable. They are no longer just items that are used inside the home, but they are also used as outward doors. Proof of this is the bongs that we can see in pubs and cafeterias for the enjoyment of their clients.

In puffingbird we have a large selection of glass bongs for sale and, in this article, we will show you how to use a bong. One of our star products. There are also other well-known products such as Dab rigs, Bubblers, Concentrate straws, Ash catchers and many more.

Know everything about glass bongs
Know everything about glass bongs

At first glance, the bongs look like what they are not. Especially if you have never smoked in one. They are also known as water pipes because they are like pipes with a very easy and simple mechanism.

The bongs, basically, what they do is cool the smoke so that smoking is more fun.

Knowing the bongs

The first thing to know how to use a bong is to know what its parts are. Take it and handle it as you wish. They are very sophisticated articles.

The bongs consist of several pieces that work as one. Knowing how to use it will make the experience very good.

  • Hole to inhale: It is the opening that is in the tube where you will place the lips. When you go to inhale, you should put your lips inside, not outside. As if you were going to play a musical instrument.
  • The chamber: It is the area where smoke accumulates. When you inhale, what you do is fill the smoke chamber and then leave it empty.
  • The container: This is where you leave your marijuana. It is also known by the name of the slider.
  • Diffuser: it is the tube that connects the water of the bong with the container. You can remove it or leave it. As you prefer. There are bongs that do not have a diffuser. Instead, it has a tube that conducts the smoke from the container to the chamber.

Steps to smoking in bongs

Step 1: Fill the bong with cold water

It is important that you fill the bong with cold water since it will cool the smoke so you can inhale more smoke.

Another alternative is to fill it with ice and then put the water you need. It is essential that you put water for the bubbles to occur.

Notice that the bong is not overflowing with water. It must be below the carburettor.

Step 2: Fill the pot with marijuana

Crumble your grass to put it in the container. It is important that you do not fill it too much so as not to waste it.

Next, place your lips in the mouth of the bong. As we have said, it is best to put them inside. You must ensure that you cover the bong well so that you can inhale properly.

Step 3: How to catch the bong

Take it with one hand and cover the carburettor. The carburettor is the hole in the side of your bong.

To smoke comfortably, it is best to sit or lie down and lean the bong on top of you.

Step 4: Turn on the bong

Light the lighter and burn your weed. At the same time, inhale. You will see how the container fills with white smoke.

Keep inhaling until you notice that there is enough smoke inside the chamber.

Release the carburettor. Inhale the smoke. Expire everything.

Step 5: Hold your breath

Try to hold the smoke in your lungs for about 5 seconds.

The first time you may cough, it is very frequent and normal. But you’ll get used to it while you’re inhaling.

You already have the steps to enjoy a bong! Now just relax and enjoy!

Good fumes!

CBD for seniors: How Can CBD Oil be Beneficial for Senior Citizens

CBD oil has an array of tremendous health benefits for senior citizens. You can take to promote wellness, improve sleep, manage pain, to name a few. 

Generally, CBD oil has been successfully used to treat various diseases and conditions. For instance arthritis, insomnia, appetite loss hence can be functional medicine for the elderly. CBD oil for pain is 100% natural and has no recognized side effects. 

CBD oil for Pain

Senior citizens are the most people affected by diseases and health conditions. For example insomnia, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, anxiety, and stress. Most of these diseases can cause excruciating pain.

As their bodies age, they are prone to developing chronic diseases which can impact their ability to function. CBD for seniors has been proven to treat these diseases hence improving the lives of the elderly. Moreover, the oil helps to manage pain and inflammation. 

Nearly half of older adults have arthritis. Arthritis causes joint pain, which can drastically change the everyday routine of them. Simple tasks such as walking the dogs or playing with grandchildren may be difficult due to illness.

CBD oil for pain is an effective treatment for inflammation, physical discomfort, and depression. It has anti-inflammatory properties that generate pain resisting responses in the body.  This natural remedy will alleviate pain caused by diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and arthritis.

cbd for seniors


CBD promotes bone health

As a senior citizen’s natural age, they are prone to a disease called Osteoporosis. With Osteoporosis, the bones losses vital minerals, become brittle, and can break easily. The elderly can experience severe pain if they fall and get a bone fracture.

Research has shown that CBD oil strengthens the bones. Moreover, CBD oil for pain will manage the pain. It also promotes the healing process if a fracture occurs. 

Alternative to Prescription Medications

The number of seniors who use prescription medication grows each year. What so ever, pharmaceutical drugs can be dangerous because of their side effects. They can cause headache, drug addiction, hallucinations, organ damage, and even death.

On the other hand, CBD oil for pain is a safe alternative to prescription drugs. The oil is 100% natural, have outstanding sourcing and manufacturing process, is gluten and Allergen free, have high potency, and is vegan-friendly.

Oil is used to combat addiction to prescription drugs. Seniors have been prescribed all kinds of medications. Because of suffering from various diseases. Therefore they will develop a dependency on the pill, and this creates addiction. 

CBD oil can combat the dependency by preventing relapses. Choose to use natural remedies and switch from harmful medications. The oil is an excellent ally for your wellness and health needs. If you are planning to buy the oil. Make sure it comes from licensed manufacturers that are transparent with their products. 

Soothing Effects

CBD oil is known for its soothing effects. Senior citizens may have mood swings as a result of the decline of health or loss of a loved one. Prolonged mood swings can lead to anxiety and depression, especially if they feel lonely and neglected.

This natural oil has been proven to alleviate stress, improve cognitive functions, and calm the mind. It will effectively reduce mood-related disorders.

Most Popular CBD products for seniors

Organic Hemp oil extracts (CBD oil)

  • Gummies
  • Capsules
  • Creams
  • CBD oil vape
  • Edibles

CBD provides relief for many diseases. It is safe for the elderly because it comes from a plant. Which is a much better alternative to pharmaceutical drugs, especially when it comes to painkillers. Moreover, CBD for seniors has no side effects. Hence, it is a safe option for the elderly.